Multi-tracking, layered vocals, electric guitars, percussion, virtual keyboard, spoken
word...all abound comfortably within the digital realms of this CD (or collection of mp3s).
Each song talks of the bridge - the gap - between 'here' and 'there'; twixt 'safe and
secure' and the voyage to another existence. From greyhounds to aliens to seagulls, an
enduring sense of anxiety and forboding is pushed outward to the minds of the listeners...
Track Listing
THE DIE IS ROLLED (click to play an excerpt)
THE OCCUPANTS' RETURN (click to play an excerpt)
I'M NOT YOUR CHILD (click to play an excerpt)
IT'S A DOG'S LIFE (click to play an excerpt)
DO THE SEAGULLS KNOW IT'S XMAS? (click to play an excerpt)
© JR Discs 2009
The CD is available to purchase HERE
and all the tracks are available at the Bandcamp website.
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Infringement of this copyright could lead to prosecution under international law.